>Madcow and Wizzy

>Now, I always like to have a dragon visit, there’s something about a dragon that takes me back to my noob days (so many moons ago…:))) and that fantastic feeling you have when you first take to the dance floor with a pizza who does the salsa or speak to a Danish horse (begging money as it happened) in the mall. Magic.

Even better then when your visitor is your sister (Wizzy) and the dragon is a piece of craftmanship from the workshop of the famous Madcow….(no…. they are different people.).

I was delighted when it turned out to be a truffle seeking dragon, tho I don’t think there’s any on my platform….

Well, I’ve been busy as anyone can be, with a new little commission from a very nice lady called Maeve Eiren who is sororifying her little island and generally being very creative with my stuff. The Norwegian fairy tale sim is coming along with a fair few things to do before the opening, like a 300 prim tree (estimated)….lol…may have bitten off more than I can chew..being perfectionist with 300 prims could take years…still it’s a very different tree…Yggdrasil.

I have agreed to show a little something at Pirats in January and we hope to have an official opening of my little build at UWA in December…I’ll keep you posted, of course….. oh, yes….and Magoo will close at the end of November….so get your last fix….

Got some new clothes from GothiCatz and am looking fairly punky this week…will post a pic later.

Everyone’s asking about the weather…well….it’s OK where I am, thanks for asking…. hehehehe…


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