Category Archives: Gingered Alsop

>Belated Stuff.

>Well, you know how it is, sometimes you don’t get round to it all and something has to go by the wayside. Unfortunately its been my regular postings which have taken a back seat this last few weeks… as Brinda says…”so it goes”…

Anyway…I have been popping around the metaverse in addition to having my nose firmly stuck in the TV watching the boys and girls in white strutting their stuff on the lawns of Wimbledon …and what a mess they make of those after just one week. (not helped by people like Djokovic doing a spot of farming with his racket… guess he thought digging up the turf might help…)…

Anyway…. I did get to visit Selavy Oh’s “Construct” again, it’s found a home on Magoo, Mab’s sim…

It started life as a 75 day residency at Humlab, Selavy making a new scripted piece each day (mostly) during her term there. It is now like a catalogue of what can be done with a script. There is probably no other build in VWs that shows such a range of scripts or what can be achieved. Selavy is probably the most ‘leading edge’ scripter we have.

More details on Mab’s blog … here. Selavy has another piece on Magoo worth visiting while you are there …its at sea level and called Spherical Topography.

Its your last chance to visit FreeWee’s huge build at UWA if you haven’t already been. A very large project, Angry Gods will only be there til the end of the month, so, not long…. full details on FreeWee’s blog .. here.

…and on the subject of UWA, Gingered has become the latest sponsor there, initiating her own monthly prize from funds generated by her DJing skills… she told me all about it as I cut a rug at Manamizic Tryjen (above) which I have posted before… (built by Trinny Mizin) that she wanted to pick her own winners …. great idea.

The UWA machinima prize pool continues to rise… now at $L300,000,…. that’s what I call an endowment…

In other news….

As I predicted …..not all of the world will go along with America and UK on their attempts to strangle freedom of the Internet, and sure enough The Netherlands has announced…

“A broad majority in the Dutch parliament voted for crucial legislative proposals to safeguard an open and secure internet in The Netherlands. The Netherlands is the first country in Europe to introduce a net neutrality law. In addition, provisions were launched protecting users against disconnection and wiretapping by providers.”

…so a good piece of news maybe we will all have to end up using Dutch servers… full story here.

…and an interesting take on The Cloud quite clearly seen as The Future by different groups of people…i.e. Google vs. Apple Cloud.. here.. Apparently a companies CEO and their Techies have a very different take on the importance of Cloud… Dell survey details here.

In other news… well my show on Monday … small post to follow..

…..have a great day…….



Filed under Angry Gods, FreeWee Ling, Gingered Alsop, Net neutrality, Selavy Oh, Soup Magoo, UWA

>In No Particular Order…: Stuff.

>Busy and lazy by turns this weekend.

Here are a few things which I have sort of filed up ready to post and never quite got round to…

Firstly… well, Dotti made it over to InWorldz at last and, though she isn’t for sale quite yet, she will be… she’s currently holding up one of my platforms so it don’t fall..:))

SaveMe, “sponsored by UWA and Pirats”, has found a novel way of displaying art, she was here seen wearing her own gallery. As the evening progressed the photos got less PG, ending with “Unwanted Guest”, a show which, although I photographed, I figured would have taken too much time to censor as so many organs were on display ….(we aint talking church organ here).

Dark Moon I visited last week at the invitation of Nephases Amat. Neph has long been a friend and customer and she has a good collection of Flora Virtua Exotica by myself and a number of other SL plant artists all woven into an intricate ecosystem.

This is well worth a visit and you’ll need Neph to tell you how the symbiosis works….

I had to show you this, by Gingered, on show at UWA…. has to be seen 3D tho, really…

…and I did some work with Rose a while back and she has published the vid , my stuff is about half way thro…

If you don’t know the rest of the story “Why is there something?“’s worth checking it out. Pure genius, I think.

More stuff later … have a good week…


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Filed under Gingered Alsop, Nephases Amat, SaveMe Oh., Susa Bubble

>A weeks bits and pieces.

>The Inworldz photo competition was one of the first things I popped along to this week.

..and this piece by Us Vemo caught my eye. The show is at Alinja and there is the possibility of voting for your favourite piece.

Nyx Breen‘s Chrysler Building is an impressive piece of building, the inside being fully ‘deco’d’ out. The clubroom is amazing..

..and the texture shop which I blogged before has come down to earth..

…and now sits next to the Chrysler., on Sunset Beach, InWorldz.

I did manage to catch the last divorce at Ant Vegas on Monday where “The Aeonia Artist Group presents: “Welcome to Fabulous Ant Vegas” – The Ant-ology”. I was very amused … great fun. It is at Aeonia. Check Ally Aeon‘s profile for the TP.

Last night I had a dance..

Gingered Alsop was providing the music at a great venue… I didn’t have time to ask, but it looked like the builder was Trinny Mizin … why aren’t more dance venues NPIRL? Excellent company and music.

FreeWee has been busy with the UWA and it’s just a week left to pop over and cast your vote in the “most popular piece’ thingy…
..huge number of artists involved this month. It just grows and grows.

Have a good weekend.



Filed under Aeonia, Ally Aeon, Gingered Alsop, Inworldz, Nyx Breen, Us Vemo, UWA

>Alizarin camping and other stuff.

>Last night saw the opening of Alizarin Goldflake‘s latest immersive piece….and we all went camping by the light of the fill moon.

It’s here….and very much worth a visit. Aliz’s delicate handworked textures are always a pleasure and we sat around the campfire and chatted…

The Mysterious Forest is quite a tangle to get into and very atmospheric… that light reminded us all of various camping trips, desert and beach….. *sigh*…

Merlina and I kept the spiders off a snoring Miso….

Full details of the build are here.

I popped over to UWA to deliver a little build for the February Round… and came across this piece by Garnet Trilling… no guesses as to why I was interested…

…and I got mesmerised by Gingered Alsops piece… she has entered the UWA machinima competition with a piece …here.

…in other news…..

“today the Second Life Forums, Blogs, Knowledge Base and SL Answers are now temporarily in read-only mode. This means that everything housed within the site is available for you to read, but you cannot post comments–or contribute content–until we launch our new community platform”

…now the cynical amongst us will say that it makes no difference anyway as none of the Boys read the stuff we write, or if they do, they ignore it….but not me…(much)… Wow, can I wait til the 2nd March…the excitement is intense .. (more exciting in tents, actually)..

I wrote a well composed and respectful email to the Boys a while back, just telling them how to run their company, but I haven’t received a reply as yet. I guess they are all a bit busy.

I’m sure replying to me is at the top of someone’s list.



Filed under Alizarin Goldflake, Garnet Trilling, Gingered Alsop, SL stuff